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EVENTS Land Rowing Tournament ends in Beijing

The China Land Rowing Tournament held the last race of the 2019 season in Tsinghua Science and Technology Park a few days ago. On the field, everyone competed to complete the rowing sprint in the winter.

In this competition, participants can freely choose the team or individual competition mode, and challenge themselves through different difficulty items. In addition to the traditional events, this competition also has a special youth group. Young athletes from junior high schools in Beijing hope to promote the competition to enhance their physical fitness and increase their interest in sports.

Lu Binfang, director of the China Rowing Association's Land Rowing Committee, said: "As the only national land rowing tour promoted by the China Rowing Association, the China Land Rowing Tour has been More than 15 competitions were held in various cities. Participants came from all over the country, including both professional athletes and the general public, and built a professional and amateur communication bridge. At the same time, the competition will be sport-loving by setting up four personal projects and a team project. Friends gathered in the same arena. In the past two years, the tour has actively promoted the development of rowing, and created a platform for all people who love rowing in the country to continuously compete and tell stories, and it has become a grand gathering for rowing fans and sports professionals. . "
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